Support Us

Help us save the lives of mothers and babies.

Donate today and help us train nurses and provide ultrasound equipment and patient care for pregnant mothers.

We are a 501c3 organization and so any donations made are tax deductible for US citizens.

25% of scans uncover complications and just $2 will save the life of a mother and baby.

Maternal mortality rates in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi are the highest in the world.  Women are 20 times more likely to die in childbirth.

Let’s work together to make a positive change.

You can use the online donation form provided here, or send a check to:

Imaging the World
PO Box 25
Charlotte, VT 05445-0025

You can also support us in other ways. 

We welcome volunteers on site in Uganda, Malawi and Kenya - Contact us to learn more on

We are also setting up a number of advisory boards, for which we would greatly welcome your skills and time.  These will include:

  • Education

  • Innovation & Technology

  • IT

  • Development

  • Research

  • Quality & Safety

Please get in touch on if you would like to get involved.